Halloween is only a few days away! Are you ready? I finally pulled together Monica’s costume over the weekend. We went to Target a few weeks ago and were less than impressed at the costume selection for babies. So we picked up the pumpkin onesie she wore to the pumpkin patch and called it a day. The onesie also came with a pumpkin hat, so we figured she would be a pumpkin for Halloween.
Turns out, the pumpkin hat was a tad small (girlfriend has lots of hair!), so it wasn’t looking like she was going to be a pumpkin. After brainstorming and creating a quick costume for my work party (thanks to this tutorial), I knew it would be easy enough to whip up Monica’s costume.
I present to you, our little Cute-a-saurus!
See also: a DIY baby dinosaur costume that can be made in less than an hour for only a few bucks. If you’re still searching for a costume for your little one, grab your sewing machine and get crafting!
Hooded sweatshirt (one with a zipper is easier to sew)
Two sheets of felt (mine were 9″x12″)
Fabric glue
Note: Not all fabric glues are created equal. Test yours out on a piece of scraft felt first. I tried two kinds of fabric glue (Liquid Stitch and Sew No More) and both drenched the felt. I finally had success with Martha Stewart’s glittering glue. The original tutorial said that Aleene’s no-sew fabric glue worked well for her.
Rotary cutter and cutting mat (or scissors)
Iron and ironing board
Sewing machine
Cut the felt rectangles in half, widthwise.
You’ll now have four 6″x9″ felt rectangles.
Fold the felt rectangles in half lengthwise and iron the crease.
It’s now time to mark where the spikes will be cut from the felt. I was able to get three spikes from each of the felt rectangles. Along the creased side of the felt, put a mark at 3″ and 6″. Along the open side of the felt, put a mark at 1.5″, 4.5″, and 7.5″. You can trace a line to connect the marks if you like. Repeat for the other felt rectangles.
Cut out your spikes.
For a newborn-sized sweatshirt, I only needed 7 spikes. Two 9″x12″ sheets of felt yielded 12 spikes, so use as many as you need for larger sweatshirts.
Unfold the spikes and pin them down the center of the hoodie, making sure the crease is in the center. Start with the hood (there’s usually a seam going down the center) and work your way down.
Sew the spikes onto the hoodie, following the creases as your guide.
Looking cute!
Apply fabric glue to the spikes, fold together, and let dry overnight. This gives the spikes a little more substance. Or if you don’t have time to glue the spikes, you can just tape and fold them together.
So so so adorbs! Happy Halloween, Monica!