Hi, friends! What’s new with you? I’m roughly 10 weeks away from my due date…eek! Of course we have all sorts of things to do before the baby comes, but I’m not terribly stressed since we already have most of the essentials and Amazon Prime can deliver diapers in two days ;)
One of the more critical things we need to do is move Monica into the other bedroom and eventually move her to a big girl bed. I’m a little intimidated by the whole process since she isn’t crawling out of her crib right now. At least we know the new baby will sleep in our bedroom in a pack and play for the first three or four months! If nothing else, we’ll move Monica into her new room in her crib and then transition to a big girl bed before the baby needs the crib. Any words of advice for a successful transition?
I also had the one hour glucose screening, which I passed! Thank goodness! I’m not sure if I could handle a summer without ice cream!
On the flip side, the doctor told me during my 28 week appointment I’m slightly anemic. I checked the symptoms with Dr. Google and it makes more sense that I was feeling extra tired. Sure chasing a toddler while pregnant will do that, but it seemed worse than expected. So now I’m taking iron supplements in addition to my prenatal vitamins. And you know what? It might just be the placebo effect, but I feel a bit less tired these past few days.
I would also like to send a “thank you” note to Sephora for selling $12 eye shadow (Romantic Comedy is my current color of choice)! This is quite possibly the fastest I’ve ever replaced an eye shadow as I’m “sharing” mine with a certain toddler.
In business-y news, Brightwater Financial is up and running and the first newsletter went out yesterday! Here’s the link if you’re interested in subscribing.
Finally, I recently completed Hilary Rushford’s Instagram with Intention course. So informative! Sure, Instagram is a slightly guilty pleasure and beautiful escape from reality, but it’s also a great way to grow a business. Are you on Instagram? You can find me @FiscallyChic and @BrightwaterFin.
Other than that, we have some friends visiting from St. Louis this weekend and we’ll probably be spending an excessive amount of time outside. I may or may not be camped out by the baby pool with a faux-jito (mojito sans rum) or La Croix in hand :)