I thought I would share a little how my diet is looking these days. While I’m not a nutrition expert, I hope it’s helpful. If nothing else, these pregnancy posts will be good for me for future reference.
Within 5 minutes of telling John’s parents I was pregnant, his Mom (a registered dietitian) had already lent me some pregnancy nutrition books. I took home “Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide” and read through it pretty quick. Yes, there’s the daunting list of things to eat (only 300 extra calories and so much extra protein, fiber, calcium, and more!) and avoid, but it’s shared in an entertaining manner. And about half the book is recipes.
But well before sharing the big news, I started taking prenatal vitamins. My doctor gave me some samples during my annual lady check-up this past spring and I alternated those with my regular daily vitamin (plus iron) until they ran out. At that point, I switched to prenatals full-time.
As for other disinterests, I’ve had no desire to drink beer or any sort of alcohol throughout the whole pregnancy. It must be my body’s way of telling me what to avoid. I’ll smell what John is drinking (sometimes taking a small sip) and don’t want any more. Though a glass of wine is starting to sound good during the second trimester.
While I haven’t had cravings, pizza always sounded good during the first trimester. During the second trimester, I’ve been really into dairy. Like, I had to move the pasteurized triple-cream cheese and crackers away from myself during Christmas. I’ve also been drinking skim milk like it’s going out of style.
On the flip side, I’ve been “enjoying” a bit of acid reflux after meals in the second trimester. Yes, eating small portions more frequently helps, but sometimes I’m hungry! I inhale my food and later regret it with a side order of burping and bloating. And let’s just say that slower digestion makes me (and John) sometimes wish for a fart patio a la Portlandia.
Finally, I’ve been trying to drink plenty of water. Per John’s Mom, if I’m thirsty, it’s too late. And your urine should be the color of light lemonade. And as she told Oprah, the lemonade should be made with one lemon!
How did your eating habits change during pregnancy? Or did you make changes to your diet to prepare for pregnancy?
Now that my secret is out, I can say that I’ve been loving your pregnancy posts! Can’t wait till my nausea finally goes away and I can start eating better :)