Pop quiz: What do Paula Deen and I have in common?
We’re both in the February 2013 issue of Woman’s Day!!! And by we, I mean Paula and one of my pillow covers….eeeek!
I was contacted by a Woman’s Day editor in November 2012 about the possibility of including one of my pillow covers in the February 2013 issue. I never heard one way or the other if my pillow cover would be included in the magazine.
Flash forward to this past week. I saw the February 2013 issue on the newsstand and I decided to take a quick flip through it to see if I was included. There has been an uptick in traffic in my shop, so thought it was a possibility.
Lo and behold, what do I see staring back at me in the table of contents? See that polka dotted beauty? That’s my pillow cover!!!
After a quick flip to page 42, I see the perfect feature for my pillow cover:
Bedroom fixups under $50 by Shawn Gauthier. Is that fiscally chic or what?
Tip #1 is to “liven up linens” by swapping in a colorful toss pillow or throw blanket. And page 44 includes one of my pillow covers (!!!) next to the likes of West Elm, Ikea, and PB Teen. Please pinch me now.
John and I promptly high-fived in the gas station in central Illinois and purchased the magazine. The lady working the cash register was only mildly impressed, if at all.
Thanks again to Woman’s Day for including my Marimekko pillow cover in this feature!
That’s awesome! Congrats :)
Woohoo!!!!! Congrats! That’s big time, lady!
Thanks, ladies! I’m pretty excited about it :)