Hi! Long time, no chat! I hope those of you in the States enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I sure did! To ease back into things, I thought I would share my brief encounters with some of my favorite bloggers.
Two of the first blogs I ever started reading were Young House Love and Smitten Kitchen. (I think they were these respective posts, if you’re curious.) And they’re still two of my favorites.
As luck would have it, both of their book tours brought them to Chicago. I felt like a mediocre fan driving from down the street compared to the super-fans that drove hundreds of miles and waited hours before the event even started. Regardless, it was fun meeting John, Sherry, and Deb.
First up was meeting John and Sherry of Young House Love. They were at the West Elm in Lincoln Park and I naively thought I’d be able to see them and do a little shopping while John was playing a basketball game. While in line, I kept thinking about what I would say to them. It’s almost like waiting in line for Santa. Trying to think of the perfect thing to say and rehearsing it in your head to make sure it sounds just right. Three hours later (!!!) it was my turn.
Of course, they were friendly and perfectly charming. Sherry complemented me on my Bean necklace and blog name. I, on the other hand, blurted out how much I love them and use their spray painting tutorials and am currently building an upholstered coffee table/ottoman and like shiny things (in response to Sherry’s complement of my necklace). Yes, I had a slight case of word vomit.
So when it was time to meet Deb of Smitten Kitchen the following weekend, I was prepared. Her book signing was in Lincoln Square at The Book Cellar, a local bookstore with a cafe. This time, I went with my sister-in-law and we made sure to leave early. This book signing was extremely organized in that we were assigned a numbered letter and only had to be back when our letter was called. That gave us the opportunity to walk around Lincoln Square, get some gelato, and pop into the many shops.
Meeting Deb was also super-quick and of course she was just a normal person that writes a blog with millions of readers and now has a book. I warned my sister-in-law of my word vomiting ways, so it’s no surprise that I blurted out how much we love Deb’s son and think he’s the cutest kid ever. At least I restrained myself enough to keep from saying she and her husband should have another baby soon!
Have you ever met a celebrity or big-name blogger before? Tell me I’m not the only one that blurts out random things while talking with them!