Lest you think I’ve jetted off to a faraway land, the reality is that life has trumped blogging for the moment. But don’t you worry. There are good things happening in the background. For example:
Currently building: Construction of our new coffee table/ottoman continues! Last night, our wooden box became a padded box. And I started to cut and sew together the fabric to cover said padded box. This tutorial on Design*Sponge was extremely helpful. And I learned the hard way that it’s always better to order the extra yard of fabric.
Currently brewing: Our “estate grown” Chinook hops have been put to use in a red rye ale. We’ll see how it turns out in the next week or two.
Currently wearing: My new Frye Paige boots arrived yesterday! My first reaction is that she’s a keeper. I love the dark chocolate brown leather and was able to tuck my jeggings into them. But I still want to wear them around the house a little more before making the final decision.
What’s going on with you?
The boots look amazing! And I can’t wait to see the coffee table when it’s complete :)
I think the boots look great! Found you through #blogbrunch and following you on Google Reader now! I’m a budget girl, too.