Happy Halloween! For the finance and accounting types out there, I hope you enjoy performing a physical inventory of your candy tonight :)
For those who don’t plan on meticulously documenting their treats, Chipotle has other plans for you! Simply wear a costume to your nearest Chipotle between 4pm and close on Halloween and a burrito, bowl, salad, or order of tacos is yours for $2!
What’s even better is that they’re donating the proceeds, up to $1,000,000 to The Chipotle Cultivate Foundation, their non-profit organization committed to creating a more sustainable and healthful food supply and to raising awareness concerning food issues.
And yes, that was my Halloween costume at work this year. I was a blinged out “precious metals hedge” and my coworker was a “Canadian foreign exchange rate hedge.” If you chuckled at that, I salute you!