Hi friends! Do you mind if I toot my own horn for a hot little minute? I know this blog is way to share informative and entertaining things with you, but it’s also a way for me to remember things.
You see, over the weekend, a buyer from Canada purchased three of my 18×18 in. Marimekko green ombre pillow covers. Just like this guy:
You may be interested to know that I became aware of your Marimekko ombre green pillow covers in a feature in our national newspaper, The Globe and Mail. The Saturday edition includes a Style section.The pillow covers are going to complement a very large piece of glass, a bowl by Canadian glass artist, Mariel Waddell.
Wait….what?!?! My pillow cover was featured in one of the largest newspapers in Canada???
After a quick search I found it.
The Globe and Mail’s story about adding a dash of ombre to your home.
Do you see it? It’s my pillow cover!!
Since the story didn’t list my shop specifically, and I’m in Chicago, I probably wouldn’t have learned about the feature unless somebody had told me.
I’m OK with that. I’m growing my business slowly and organically. If I had a huge rush in sales, I would be busy out of my mind. I’d rather have a balance between my personal and business life, especially since I have a full time job.
A feature like this is the cherry on top of a job well done :)
That’s so amazing! Congrats!
Kate @ Daffodils
wow, that is amazing! But if I were you, I would still contact them and let them know that pillow is yours, not etsy’s. It doesnt seem right!
kate p.
That’s awesome! Congrats on the world wide exposure! And I agree with Kate! Let them know it’s yours!