That weekend, my Dad and I were planning on flying to St. Louis to visit the campuses of Saint Louis University and Washington University in St. Louis. Flights were grounded, so we decided to make the 9 hour drive. If we hadn’t, I might not have gone to SLU or met John.
In 2006, John and I went to NYC for spring break and stopped by Gound Zero. There was a note on the fence that said,
“You can destroy our buildings, but you can’t destroy our foundation.”
Beyond all of the horror and pain, we must remember those who lost their lives, love the ones we have with us, and move beyond the fear. We must be people of peace and hope.
In Mass this morning, we sang “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace,” which is the prayer of St. Francis.
My prayers are with all the friends and families that lost loved ones in the events of 9/11/01.
Hailing from New Jersey, 9/11 hit so close to home. I was a sophmore at Penn State and on my way to class when I saw the TV. I thought it was a movie playing, so I didn’t pay it any mind. When I got to class, I heard from the teacher what had happened. Class was cancelled and I immediately rushed home to call my dad. He worked in the city and I was scared as hell that he was harmed. Luckily, he was on the other side of town, but so many were not so lucky and so many lost their loved ones that day. We are moving on, but we will never forget.