Fortunately, we moved during Memorial Day weekend, so there were sales out the wazoo. Nothing is more American than buying new appliances.
We wanted a front-loading washer since they’re more energy efficient. Plus, they’re gentler because they use gravity vs. an agitator to clean clothes. Yes, they cost more than a top-loader, but this can be recouped over time thanks to the energy savings.
After doing a little research, we settled on the Samsung High Efficiency 3.7 cu. ft. Capacity Front Load Washer (WF330ANW) and matching Samsung 7.3 cu. ft. Capacity Gas Dryer (DV330AGW). They received high independent reviews and customer ratings at the big box retailers.
Sears had the best prices at $675 for the washer and $750 for the dryer. (Regular prices are $900 and $1,000, respectively.) PLUS…we had a 10% off coupon for our entire purchase! We received that after changing our address with the USPS. So that brought us down to $608 for the washer and $675 for the dryer. Woo hoo! The grand total was $1,516 including delivery, some parts for the dryer installation, and taxes. Not quite as good as Young House Love’s savings, but still pretty respectable.
We also enrolled in Sears’ free “Shop Your Way Rewards” program. For each qualifying dollar we spend, we get 10 points. Every 1,000 points is worth $1 in value. Basically, the rewards are 1% back. You can redeem points in store or online at Sears, Kmart, Lands’ End, or The Great Indoors. We’ve already accumulated $13.34 in rewards and with a new house, I’m sure there are plenty of things we can purchase. Tools, paint, etc.
The installation went really well on Saturday. Sears called on Friday night with a delivery window and they came when they were scheduled. The guys even called about an hour before they arrived to make sure I was still around. They were efficient and very helpful. It probably helped that I gave them glasses of water on a hot June day :)
I did a few loads of laundry over the weekend and am really happy with our purchase. There were even some pleasant surprises. The installers commented that we bought the models with all the bells and whistles and they weren’t joking! The washer and dryer make a chiming sound when you turn them on and off. And they play a little tune when they’re done washing or drying.
I made a little video of the on/off chimes since I was so tickled by the discovery.
How did your weekend go? Anybody else have a happy washer or dryer?
That’s the happiest sounding laundry I’ve ever heard!!! I think I’d love to do laundry if I had those bad boys!
Sitting at my desk at work, grinning to myself because it’s hilarious how much you love your W&D! But then again, I’d probably be the same way if I had my own W&D….
Stephanie – Laundry is definitely more enjoyable now :)
Kati – I’m glad my W&D kept you entertained at work!
We have LG ones and they sing too! Although it drives me nuts haha