Before I jump into some recent weekend excitement, I thought I’d share a short recap of the St. Louis half marathon. As I said before, this race was just for fun and to motivate me to stay active during the winter and my busy time at work. The time wasn’t spectacular for me (2:11:33), but we had fun and were able to see friends and family. The race course in St. Louis is still hillier than I remember or maybe it felt that way because Chicago is pretty flat. John and I ran (and walked) the whole race together, which made things interesting. He wanted to go faster while I was struggling to keep up. We fell into a rhythm around mile 10 and even picked up the pace at the end. That’s us after we recovered after finishing. A big thanks to everyone that volunteered and cheered for the runners!
Another plus of seeing my parents in St. Louis was that my Mom brought her sewing machine for me. With the new house (we’ve been cleared to close!), we’ll need drapery and other nesting-type things. I’m excited for more pillows, but John would rather have me focus on drapes or a shower curtain for our second bathroom. We’ll see…
While John was having a dude’s day on Saturday, I decided to take a field trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics. It may have been a while since I looked at fabric, or maybe I wasn’t looking hard the last time, but seriously….their fabric selection has vastly improved! No more stuffy, boring fabric! I wanted to buy the whole store! I only walked out with 5 yards (plus 4 yards from Crate and Barrel Outlet), some zippers, and supplies. Maybe the sewing machine was a bad idea…haha.
I haven’t used any of the new fabric yet, but I did sew a pillow I’ve been meaning to make for about a year. Here she is! With a zipper! And you’ll see that she nicely coordinates with a pillow I made from Orla Kiely fabric.
And what will I be doing with those 9 yards of fabric? Some might be used in the new house. I’m also considering whipping up a few pillow covers and selling them on Etsy. John’s definitely hoping for option two. Though maybe I can convince him otherwise if there’ll be a giant pillow fight :)
Where are you on the pillow fight continuum? Necessary or superfluous?
The pillow looks great! Can’t wait to see your other creations!
Those fabric choices are great… the patterns and colors definitely brighten things up. And you know how I feel about pillows :)
I love those pillows. I need to find my way back to my machine. It was out of commission all winter and now it is fixed and it is sunny outside! Next rainy day…
Thanks ladies! I’ll definitely keep posting updates once I’ve made more.
Nessa – Hope you find your way back to your sewing machine too.