Julia’s Etsy shop currently has custom onesies with matching leggings and burp cloths. She also has some ruffled scarves for sale. Her blog showcases other products such as breastfeeding covers, boppy covers, and slings. I recently interviewed Julia to learn about some of the magic behind Designer Jules.
How did you get inspired to start Designer Jules: You’ll Love it Too?
I have always liked doing crafts and making special items for friends. When a good friend of mine was pregnant with her first child she bought a breastfeeding cover. I looked at it and realized that I could make one for her and make it so much cuter. This was about the time that a lot of other friends were having babies. So I started making covers and other baby items for them. After having friends pass my name along I decided maybe this was a fun hobby that I could do to make a little money.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Sometimes friends tell me about cool things they have seen that they think I should make, or make for them. I also find inspiration and new ideas in books, websites, and magazines. I have seen items in a store that I think I can make and I give it a try. Other times, I need something for my house and I find a way to make it myself by looking on blogs and websites for ideas.
What are your favorite items to make?
That is a tough question. I really like to make custom items for clients and see the joy when they receive them. I guess my favorite items are the breastfeeding covers because I have been making them the longest and because you can use some really fun fabrics and they are very functional.
Yes, I love to work on custom pieces for clients! Some of the items that I have made have been at the request of a client. Afer I made the item for them, I have gone on to make more for myself or for others. The baby onesies are the custom pieces that I make most often. Each one is a bit different and there are so many things I can do to them.
What has been the most interesting or rewarding customer interaction you’ve had?
So far the most rewarding or exciting interaction was when I made an onesie and burp cloth for a friend to give as a baby gift. A few months later, I received an email from the woman who received the gift requesting an onesie and burp cloth for another one of her friends who’s baby was born premature. Premature babies are so precious and my heart went out to this little baby. Then, a few months after that I got word from the mom of the preemie that he was doing well and that she wanted to order something for a friend of hers. It was so exciting to hear from this mom that her baby was okay and it was so neat to finally have clients that were not friends!
Where do you see your business in the next couple of years?
I have no idea. It is so hard right now to think of that with a newborn and with no idea what the next day is going to hold. I would love to continue to make items and sell them when I have time and to make my clients happy. If I can do those two things, I will be happy. Oh yeah, and to one day break even with my finances. I love to buy fabrics and other notions and have yet to make enough money to cover all of my fun. [Side note: Julia features a new fabric or new find each Friday.]
What has been the most important thing you’ve done for the business’ success thus far?
I would say making my blog public and doing a lot of business marketing and branding. Before I went public with my blog and business, I made sure that I had business cards and labels for my products that matched my business identity. I give those out each time I make an item. I also had a few showcases at a local business to celebrate the opening of my business. The showcases were successful and a great goal to get my business items prepared for.
What’s one piece of advice for new business owners or someone looking to start a business?
Go for it. If you love doing something and you think you want to try making it into a business I say give it a try. Start small with family and friends and over time your base will grow.
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(not Julia, this is our friend Leah) |
I know you just started your Etsy shop (yay!). Are you working on other products that haven’t been posted online yet?
Yes. In the next few weeks I hope to finally start making pillow covers from designer fabrics. I am so excited about them! Also, I hope to offer more personalization via embroidery and with fabric. Personally, I want to start making quilts out of scrap fabric. Those might end up on the blog for sale one day, but I haven’t decided yet.
Do to others as you would have them do unto you. (Matthew 7:12)
Anything else you want to add?
Thank you so much for featuring me and I can’t wait to see where your blog goes.
Thank you, Julia! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you as well.
If you’re looking for a cute baby shower present or other custom items, go check out Designer Jules: You’ll Love it Too. Happy Friday!