How’s everyone doing? Hopefully keeping warm. All sorts of snow fell on the Midwest over the weekend and it seems like the cold temperatures are dipping south. Which leads me to a follow-up tip for the Chicago winter survival guide. Weather stripping your windows! What, you were expecting something a little more exciting?
Our apartment building is probably 100+ years old and the windows don’t have an airtight seal. A cheap and easy way to fix that is using rope caulk. It’s like a giant roll of the sticky tack you used to hang Justin Timberlake posters in your high school bedroom.
Here are the easy to install instructions:
- Clean and dry surfaces.
- Peel off the number of strands of rope caulk necessary to fill the crack.
- Press in place with fingertips for tight seal.
That’s it!
The box said it should seal 6 “average” windows. John and I caulked about 4 windows using a 90 foot roll, but ours are a little on the tall side. The rope caulk comes in white and brown (at least at our local Ace Hardware) and the 90 foot roll cost about $7.
Do you have any tips for winter-proofing your home?